The Father said unto the Lamb
"A servant you must be"
The Lamb responded, "Yes, I know"
"Some day they will kill me!"
The Father said unto the Lamb
"This pain you'll surely bare"
The Lamb responded, "Yes, I will"
"Because I know you care!"
The Father said unto the Lamb
"You'll never be alone"
The Lamb responded, "Yes, it's true"
"I'll long to be back home!"
The Father said unto the Lamb
"You'll be back soon enough"
The Lamb responded, "Yes, I know"
"To go will sure be tough!"
"So go now Lamb", the Father said
"There is so much to do"
The Lamb responded, "Yes, I will"
"Because I love them too!"
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (NIV)
In Jesus Precious Name
And for His Glory