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JUDGES 3 - 27 He blew a trumpet in the mountain of Ephraim

JUDGES 4 - 18 Jael went out to meet Sisera

JUDGES 5 - 1 The song of Deborah and Barak

JUDGES 6 - 2 The children of Israel made them the dens

JUDGES 6 - 2 And there came an angel of the lord

JUDGES 7 - 19 They blew the trumpets

JUDGES 9 - 37 See there come people

JUDGES 11 - 37 Jephthah's Daughter

DEUT 3 - Moses views the promised land

JUDGES 16 - 3 At midnight took the doors

JUDGES 16 The Philistines overpower him

EZRA 3 - 10 They set the priests with trumpets

JUDGES 18 - 22 Following the Danites

JUDGES 19 - 15 The Levite at Gibeah

JUDGES 20 - 4 The Levite Declares His Wrong

JUDGES 21 - 23 The Benjamites at Shiloh

RUTH 2 - 10 Then she fell on her face

RUTH 1 - 16 Whither thou goest, I will go

RUTH 3 - 15 He measured 6 measures of barley

I SAM 4 - 13 Eli sat upon a seat

1 SAM 1 Samuel brougth to Eli

1 SAM 1 - 9 Eli sat by a post of the temple

I SAM 3 - 10 Speak for thy servant heareth

I SAM 6 - 11 And they laid the ark

I SAM 7-10 As Samuel was offering

I SAM 8 - 10 Samuel addressing the people

I SAM 9 - 2 Is the seer here

I SAM 10 - 10 Behold a company of prophets

I SAM 10 - 24 God save the king

I SAM 14 - 13 And Jonathan climbed up