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GAL 6 - 5 Every man shall bear his own burden

GAL Paul writing to the the Galatians

REV 22 - 8 I fell down to worship

REV 16 - 21 There fell upon men a great hail

REV 6 - 16 And said to the mountain

REV 6 - 12 The opening of the sixth seal

REV 3 - 20 Behold I stand at the door

1PETER 3 - 11 Let him eschew evil

JAMES 5 - 15 And the prayer of faith

JAMES 3 - 4 Yet are they turned about

JAMES 1 - 27 To visit the fatherless and widows

HEB 11 - 13 Strangers and pilgrims

HEB 6 - 7 The earth which drinketh in the rain

Paul a prisoner of Jesus Christ

TITUS 2 - 4 That they may teach

TITUS 1 - 5 For this cause left I thee in Crete

2 TIM 2 - 6 The husbandman that laboreth

2 TIM 4 - 2 Preach the word

Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ

1COR 16 - 13 Stand fast in the faith