Andrew Murray - Audio
Absolute Surrender - is a devotional based upon a series of sermons by Andrew Murray, the book teaches the requirement for "supreme surrender" to God. Murray gives solid steps to realizing such surrender in the believers walk. He likewise illustrates both the product of surrendering, e.g. genuine experience of the Holy Spirit in one's life, and the distinctive "stages" one experiences on the "way to Christian freedom." Anybody not completely encountering the freedom that Jesus Christ offers can benefit from listening to this book and applying it to their daily walk.
Abide in Christ - 31 Days of Meditation on what it means to Abide in Christ. It is a Bible study from Andrew Murray's "The True Vine" and conveyed in a clear, interactive arrangement. This 6-session study is intended for the new and developing believers to help them successfully live for Jesus Christ.
The Spiritual Life - investigates the Christian life as God meant it to be lived. He clarifies how the Holy Spirit is basic to living successfully as an believer. Most Christians are very much aware of the weakness of their life and testimony. This is an excellent resource, comprised of a series of addresses given to students at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago in 1895, it illustrates how the working of the Holy Spirit in the Christian's life can have a huge impact.
Humility: The Beauty of Holiness - importance of humility in a Christian's walk, how Jesus was humble, and how we to can also become humble. Murray wrote "Without humility, there can be no true abiding in God's presence or experience of His favor and the power of His spirit. Without it there can be no abiding faith, love, joy, or strength."
Waiting on God! - an insightful book, delivering new and essential insights each time one listens to it. The companion to this book, "Working For God" are both extraordinary devotionals that will elevate and challenge any believer that wants to draw closer to God.
Working for God! - The companion devotional book to "Waiting on God!". Divided into 31 chapters.
Devine Healing - takes up the subject of healing as revealed in Scripture, demonstrating how the work of Jesus Christ encompasses not only the pardon for sin but also the healing from sickness and disease.
The Master's Indwelling - devotional that is organized into three parts. The first part emphasizes a transition from the "Carnal" into the "Spiritual," focusing on the importance of self-sacrifice. The second part emphasizes the importance of prayer and the Christian's responsibility. The final part encourages Christians to rejoice in the rewards of a faithful walk with the Lord(joy, peace, blessings of the spirit, and the ultimate comfort of Jesus Christ's redemptive power in the heart and life of the believer).
With Christ in the School of Prayer - intercessory prayer is a tremendous privilege, a great gift from God. God listens to those he loves, and works all things for their good. This is a classic work on the "Power of Prayer". The aim of the book is to have the church exercise this powerful gift. Murray accurately describes how the Holy Spirit is instrumental in intercessory prayer and exhorts Christians to use what God has provided.
The Inner Chamber and the Inner Life - this book emphasizes the daily need of spending time alone with God. In Murray's opinion, the neglecting of this is the "root disease" from which many believers are suffering. Which in turn explains problems in their Christian life. Among the topics considered are: The true spirit of prayer; the devotional reading of God's Word; the fellowship with God for which these are meant and by which alone they bring a blessing; the service for the Kingdom of God in soul winning and intercession.
Jesus Himself - Andrew Murray asks the question "Is it possible to be familiar with Jesus, to know the Bible, to be involved in church life, and yet not really know Jesus at all ?" With insights into the church of his day, which also apply to our current day and age, shows how this is all too often the condition of many believers. In the two essays comprising this book, Murray shows how it is possible to come to a place of really knowing Jesus, and how the presence of the Lord can become much more real to us. He warns that there is a cost, but God always abundantly rewards those who seek Him with their whole heart.