Public Clipart Collection #66
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Among the Doctors Luke 2:46

Before Pilate Luke 23:50-56

Burial of Christ Luke 23:50-56

Come unto me Matthew 11:28.jpg

Entering Jerusalem Matthew 21:1-11

Feeding the five thousand Mark 6:35-44

Home of Mary and Martha Luke 10:3

Jesus leaving his mother

St. John's Vision of the New Jerusalem Revelation 21:9-23

Suffer the little children to come unto me Matthew 19:16-22

The accused John 8:3-11

The good shepherd John 10:1-18

The last supper Mark 14:17-31

The miraculous draught of fishes Luke5-4-11

The rich young ruler Matthew 19:16-22

The sermon from the ship Luke 5:3

Walking on the sea Matthew 14:25
