MATT 6 - 28 Consider the lilies of the field

MATT 6 - Christ the consoler

MATT 6 - Christ the Remunerator

MATT 5 - Christ taking leave of his mother

MATT 4 - Mother and child

MATT 2 - 11 Adoration of the wise men

MATT 2 - 2 The star in the east

MATT 2 The birth of Christ

MARK 5 - 41 Damsel, I say unto thee, arise

MARK 6 - 25-28

Tablet from Herod's Temple

MARK 10 - 22 And He was sad at that saying

MARK 12 - 42 The Widow's Mite

MARK 14 - 18 The Last Supper

MARK 14 - 35 And fell on the ground, and prayed

MARK 16 - 6 He is risen, he is not there

MARK 16 Mary Magdalene


LUKE 1 - 28 Hail, thou art highly favoured

